
Welcome to my blog. This is a journal(mostly) about my wine-making efforts and taking it public.

I'm a private person, I don't like letting people in. I hate facebooks, I hate twits. Myspace makes me sick. But I'll make this blog, because I'm just that passionate about my art, my wine-making.

The goal is to take Berger's Fermenting Barrels commercial, and this blog will document my journey...for potential investors, other entrepeneurs, for future customers curious about the company.

Please look around, check out my posts. Comment or just say hello. Thank me for the wine, tell me just how great it was. Think you can help me out somehow? Have a contact in the biz, offer me your labor or creativity? I'm fundless at the moment... but I can reward you with wine, or I can keep you in mind in the future. I never forget a favor!

Want to email me privately? Contact me at cawineartist@gmail.com

Bottoms Up,

Jason Berger, Wine Artist

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Mead's Nearly Finished

So, it seems that when I refridgerate the mead, it helps it clear (found out accidentally by putting some sample bottles in there).  So, I cleared out the shelves in the fridge in my garage and put my 5-gallon carboy in there a couple of weeks ago.  It fits.

Difficult to see, but I'm going to try racking it this weekend and see how well it worked.  I already have a list of people I'd like to give it to, so many people in my welding class and other well-deserving people.

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